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Thursday, September 10, 2009

SMD: Day 4

Day 1: 132lbs
Day 2: 127.2lbs
Day 3: 128 lbs
Day 4: 128 lbs

Holy crap I feel like crying today just from the fatigue from diet and exercise.  It's not a voluntary kind of crying I feel like doing, more like my mind is completely blank and the body wants to do that because it's unhappy.  (although writing about my body in the third person is actually giving me a little laugh though). 

I got to this same point mentally last year in the last two weeks when I prepped for the MuscleMania Italian show, just demolished myself at the gym and lived on salads and protein.  Let's just say that my boss wasn't too happy about my work output as I couldn't remember much during this time.  Actually, it's kind of like living in the movie Memento, the dude with the short term memory who has to write himself thousands of notes, take Polaroids of everything, and tattoo the most important things in his life to his body.

Yesterday I did 45 min cardio (30 min HIIT stepper and the remainder on the treadmill) followed by 4x15 straight legged deadlifts and some chest work (I think, can't really remember!).  Came home at 10pm ish and baked all of my food that I bought.  Got some great recipes to share with you in the next few blog posts!

Probably had about 1200-1300 calories yesterday, all very clean. 

Weight is holding steady for the last couple of days however I see my abs clearly leaning out.  I'm holding water for the next few days until my cycle is over so no worries there. I bought 12L of SPA water which is a very light water, minimal minerals which I will drink during my last days.  Starting to plan out the depletion phase that will occur during my last week before the show.

My favorites during this time are:
  • B-50 complex: keeps me awake.
  • Coffee. Ditto
  • Glutamine: Recovery
  • CLA, BCAA, L-Carnitine: Fat burners and aminos to process protein more efficiently.
  • VPX Clenburtrx Hardcore: This is a recommendation from Rob. Crazy energy on only 1ml. FYI, this is an OTC product, not real Clen!  All of my federations are natural only and all athletes go through doping control.
  • Metamucil Sugarfree smooth fiber: I take a huge spoonful in the morning and it keeps me full.
  • iPhone: got all my music in there, Facebook, etc to keep me entertained.
  • Sugar free Werther's Originals: a couple of these a day keeps my sweet tooth at bay.
  • Spearmint sugarfree gum: nam nam nam
  • Photoshop: endless hours of creative entertainment for this photographer.
  • Sparkling water: helps me down all of the pills
There's been a pickup in Italian interest as well, getting more messages from other fitness people, mags, etc related to my attendance of the show.  When I go into a show, I do treat it professionally with the intention to do alot of networking.  So exciting to meet all of the friends and fans who come out to support.


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