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Monday, September 6, 2010

WBFF Pro and 2010 Arnold Classic Bikini Champ Chady Dunmore

The new tag team of It Girls - Natalie Minh, photographer and Chady Dunmore, Model

I'm lucky to be able to call this spunky, ambitious, bright and incredibly beautiful woman my friend and female Muse. She is based here in California as well and clicked immediately, sharing the same vision for photography, fitness, and similar lofty goals in life. <3 you Chady!

We had our first test together in Los Angeles at my apartment where we ran through a couple of looks. Together, we were absolutely blown away by what was produced - it was like evey shot taken was perfect which is rare for a first test.  I can't even imagine the beautiful work that will be coming in our future.

Chady Dunmore



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