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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Q&A - Arms

I get a regular questions about my training and diet so I'm going to start posting my quickie answers as I receive them.

For more in depth nutrition and workout information, I'm partnering up with Dr. Marco Zanetti on bringing his multiple anti-aging Italian books to the English speaking world.  He's also an Italian National Champion Bodybuilder, President of FIBBN (Italian Bodybuilding Federation), owner of his own wellness center, and trainer/nutritionist to many elite athletes.  As we progress with the translations, we will be making available his 22 years of science and application to you.

We now tune back to my brain dumps of fitness and diet. :)

Between You and Marcela

Marcela XXXXX February 16 at 1:41pm
Hello pretty girl!! You have the most beautiful arms and shoulders, talk me about your train

Natalie Minh February 20 at 11:01am
Hey Beautiful! Excuses for the late reply, thanks for the note, how are you? Hope you're doing well and that 2010 turns out to be another spectacular year for you :)

Shoulders - I would typically do 3-5 sets, max 12 reps, 4 different exercises for my shoulders using weights of 10 lbs for mid deltoids, and maybe 6-8lbs for front and rear delts.

Arms - 3-5 sets, max 12 reps, 5 different exercises for my arms. Max weights of 15lbs on triceps and 10lbs on biceps.

Hope that helps! :) xx


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