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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SMD: 3 Days from the MuscleMania European Championships

MuscleMania European Championships in Milan, ITALY Oct 3-4

Been following the Scarsdale Medical diet, coupled with my fitness regime, with insane results.

Sept 7: 132 lbs
Today Sept 30: 122.8lbs

Holy Crap. My eyes bugged out when I saw that this morning, feeling like Rocky!! HA!

3 days more to go and I'm keeping up the pace til Friday as best as I can. After the Euros, I have 6 weeks for the Worlds (Fitness America Pageant) in Las Vegas where I'm going to need to come in even leaner and more muscle if possible. The girls are super competitive at this show, I'd count my blessings if I could crack top 10 there. But it will be an awesome networking opportunity prior to relocating to LA in December (about 90% certain at this point). It's my dream to go all-in with my fitness/photography/modeling - I believe in myself and I'm honestly going to give this every effort inside me to make my dreams a sustainable reality.


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