Photography is a difficult skill and it's a challenge for me to continue to hone my style. There's a few artists out there who expertly weld the camera that I look to in order to develop my own eye. I'd like to share my favorites.
Errikos Andreou. Erriko's work is haunting, spirited, and inspiring.
Michael is a fashion photographer whose work I first observed in W Magazine. I find his work inspiring since for me as a model, I usually did swimsuit/lingerie/fitness and his avant garde fashion photography was the type of modeling that I didn't do. Thus as a photographer, it's a challenge for me to see the world through through the fashion veil.
Luke Duval. Luke is a Vietnamese pharmacist turned fashion photographer who began his new career based on a dream (I can relate!). Self trained, his artistry caught my eye years ago when I stumbled upon his MySpace profile.

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