Jill Coleman BS, ACSM-CPT, ME-MGT is also a contributor to ME. Jill is a triple threat in the fitness world in that she has a bachelors degree in exercise, advanced certifications from ACSM, is a masters candidate in holistic nutrition and is a professional fitness model. She is also the Director of Instructor Training for Metabolic Effect and has been instrumental in developing our training curriculum. She brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and credibility to the blog. She writes and appears frequently in many fitness publications. She is a contributing writer to Onfitness magazine and is currently finishing up the highly anticipated exercise book series, My Gym Trainer, with co-author LeAura Alderson. You can learn more about Jill at her website www.jillfit.com or follow her on Twitter www.twitter.com/JillFit
I highly recommend you to check out her blog http://metaboliceffect.wordpress.com/ if you want to become educated on the science of fat loss.
Thanks for the shout out, girl!! Love this :-)
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